Minister of State for Science and Technology Jitendra Singh on Sunday said that the authorities like the National Disaster Relief Force (NDRF) and the army were well equipped to handle the threat of the Cyclone Hudhud, which on Sunday hit the coast of Andhra Pradesh.
"There is no need for unnecessary worry because the force of the storm had been predicted around five days ago. We feel that the authorities are alert and are well capable of handling the threat," Singh told ANI.
"Currently, members of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) are campaigning here for the upcoming elections in Maharashtra but despite that, we have kept in touch will all the relevant parties to keep us informed about the situation in Andhra Pradesh and Odisha," he added.
A number of buildings were damaged as earlier in the day, Hudhud made landfall in the city with smashing 180 kmph winds recorded.
Over 400,000 people have been reportedly evacuated from the coastal areas of Andhra Pradesh and Odisha till now.