Ayushmann Khurrana on Tuesday dropped a soulful romantic song 'Mere Liye Tum Kaafi Ho' from his upcoming comedy-drama titled 'Shubh Mangal Zyada Saavdhan'. The 35-year-old actor hopped on to Twitter and shared the romantic number along with a caption that reads, "Aadha aadha hum jo dono mila de toh bann jayegi apni ek zindagani! #MereLiyeTumKaafiHo out now! #ShubhMangalZyadaSaavdhan@raogajraj@Neenagupta001."@Farjigulzar@iammanurishi@SunitaRajwar@maanvigagroo@Panawasthy_31#NeerajSingh @purevayu."
The romantic song features Ayushmann and Jitendra and shows the cute love story of the two. The chemistry between the two has been aptly captured in the song.
It shows the lovebirds taking romantic bike rides as they also face some tense moments. Penned by Vayu and sung by Ayushmann Khurrana, the heart touching lyrics of the song makes is a number to listen on loop.
'Shubh Mangal Zyada Saavdhan' is a light-hearted comedy that can be seen as a progressive attempt towards the acceptance of same-sex couples, an issue that continues to remain a taboo in India even after a year of its decriminalisation by the Supreme Court.
Featuring Ayushmann Khurana and Jitendra Kumar in the lead roles, this movie also has Neena Gupta, Manurishi Chadda, and Gajraj Rao in pivotal roles.
Helmed by Hitesh Kewalya and produced by Bhushan Kumar, the film is the second installment of the much-acclaimed 'Shubh Mangal Saavdhan' film, which was released in 2017.
The romantic comedy flick with a powerful message is set to hit the big theatres on February 21.
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