After the Haryana Railway Police yesterday arrested the main accused in the Ballabhgarh train lynching incident from Maharashtra's Dhule district, DSP Mohinder Sharma of Government Railway Police (GRP), informed that the accused will appear before the court today.
"The main accused was arrested in case of lynching of Junaid in a train. The lynching took place because of a quarrel over a seat. There is no involvement of any girl or beef in this case. The accused was brought to Faridabad and will be appear before the court today," DSP said.
Earlier there were speculations that the lynching took place due the argument over beef.
Meanwhile, the identity of the suspect has been kept as secret owing to legal reasons.
On June 22, Junaid Khan was allegedly lynched by unidentified persons on a local train while travelling from Ghaziabad to Mathura.
The incident took place when Junaid along with his brothers were returning to their village on Haryana after going to shop for Eid in Delhi.
Haseeb, Junaid's brother, said his skull cap was pulled off and his beard was tugged while the mob hurled abuses at them and were called "beef-eaters".