Speaking to reporters after the Parliament session on Thursday, ICICI Bank MD and CEO Chanda Kochhar said that the situation at the banks is getting back to normal gradually and added that queues are getting shorter and there is enough cash being made available.
"Situation is getting better as the banks are working in an organized manner. There are separate queues being arranged at various places to avoid chaos," said Kochhar.
Adding to this, she said that ICICI has been the first bank to provide currency notes of Rs. 2000, 500 and 100 simultaneously at its ATM's.
Appreciating the efforts of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), Kochhar said that it has only been possible under the supervision of RBI that the banking industry has been able to gradually caliberate its ATM machines at various places.
"Not only this, banks have taken various other steps to provide sufficient currency as it has initiated starting the paused machines, providing cash to the money exchangers at the airports so that travelers can easily avail cash and also, there is special privilege given to senior citizens," added Chanda.
On being asked if the government's decision to demonetize Rs. 500 and 1000 currency notes is valid, she said that the decision should not be taken as pressure.
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"This is a national duty, and everyone should enact upon the same. The bankers have been working 24*7 to serve the people, so similar cooperation is required," she added.
"The RBI has enough currency so people do not need to panic. As soon as the currency gets distributed, all ATM's will get caliberated and situation will ease," she added.