Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan on Monday said the state government will bare all the expenses of medical treatment for the victims of Barwani incident and added that the guilty would not be spared for such medical negligence.
"We have considered this incident very seriously. The state government have also decided to suspend the civil surgeon. We are going deep into the incident and the guilty will not be spared. Our priority now is only to save the eyes of the victims," Chouhan told the media here.
"We have decided that the state government will bear expenses of medical treatment and compensation of Rs. two lakh will be given to victims of the Barwani incident," he added.
In a camp held in the Barwani district hospital in Madhya Pradesh last week, 24 people lost their eye sight after cataract surgeries.
Around 28 patients complained of infections post the surgery and were referred to Indore for further treatment.
Out of these, 24 lost their eye sight.
The state government has suspended eye specialist R.S. Palod and initiated action against the authorities of the Lions Club. The government has also set up a three-member committee to probe the matter.