A Delhi court will on Tuesday pronounce its sentence in the 2008 Batla House shootout case in which suspected Indian Mujahideen (IM) operative Shahzad Ahmad was convicted.
Additional Sessions Judge Rajender Kumar Shastri, who convicted Ahmad for killing Delhi Police Special Cell Inspector MC Sharma during the Batla House shootout, was to pronounce the quantum of sentence on Monday, but deferred it.
Arguing that there were no mitigating circumstances favouring the accused, the prosecution had demanded Shahzad be sentenced to death.
Shahzad was held guilty for murdering police inspector M C Sharma and assaulting other police officers.
The encounter had taken place at flat number L-18, Batla House at Jamia Nagar locality here on September 19, 2008, six days after serial bomb blasts had rocked Delhi, killing 26 people and injuring 133.
Acting on a tip-off on some terrorists involved in the blasts, the police team led by Inspector Sharma went to Batla House on September 19. Sharma was killed during the incident.