Actor Bhumi Pednekar, who will be seen playing the role of sharpshooter Prakashi Tomar, shared a delightful experience of how she relished time with children on the sets of her forthcoming film 'Saand Ki Aankh.'
In the video, the 'Toilet: Ek Prem Katha' actor can be seen enjoying every bit of her time with her "little ones".
"These little ones made the whole experience of shooting SaandhKiAankh so special for me. To all the tiny humans that filled my time there with love..I love and miss you " she wrote on Instagram.
The film revolves around the grannies Chandro (Taapsee Pannu) and Prakashi (Bhumi) who take up shooting at the age of 50 to encourage their daughters towards a bright future. They did not want their daughters to go through a lifetime of suppression. What unfolded was nothing short of miraculous, as they discovered their own skill of being exceptional shooters.
Despite all odds, they won 352 medals each in the course of their veteran professional life as shooters.
The film seems to be close to the hearts of the two leading ladies. They have been quite active in sharing insights into the film. The actors wrapped up shooting for the film in April.
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The film also stars Prakash Jha, Viineet Kumar and Shaad Randhawa.
Helmed by Tushar Hiranandani, 'Saand Ki Aankh' is produced by Anurag Kashyap and Nidhi Parmar. The film is scheduled to hit theaters this Diwali.