Bharatiya Janata Party leader Subramanian Swamy said Monday that Prime Minister Narendra Modi's trip to Bhutan had a strategic content to it, and added that the country has always been a great supporter of India.
The BJP leader said, "Whatever foreign policy measures that Modi has taken have been all strategic. He invited the representatives of all the neighbouring countries for his oath taking ceremony, which was highly appreciated by everyone."
"Bhutan has always supported us, even during the creation of Bangladesh, it was the only country that voted for us in the UN. I feel that visiting countries like this who have always been on our side and are culturally so strong, is a very intelligent thing to do," he said.
Swamy added, "This move (visit of Modi) will benefit us, as Bhutan has been one country that many countries have tried to woo. There are many projects remaining where the UPA faltered, especially in the power sector, where Bhutan not only would have been able to produce electricity for themselves, but for the neighbouring regions too. Bhutan is really important for us in the economic sector too."
Earlier, External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj had also termed Prime Minister's visit to Bhutan as extremely successful and satisfying.