On the 24th death anniversary of the Oscar winning filmmaker Satyajit Ray, Amitabh Bachchan has revealed that he feels privileged to get associated with him through the 1977 film 'Satranj Ki Khiladi.'
The 73-year-old actor took to his Twitter handle to share, "Satyajit Ray death anniversary .. had the great privilege of giving my voice in one of his films .. SKK."
Though Big-B always wished to act under Ray's direction, he just lent his baritone voice for 'Satranj Ki Khiladi.'
In a book released by the late filmmaker's wife four years back, titled 'Manik and I,' it was told that Satyajit Ray could never cast the 'Piku' actor due to his "high price tag."
In the book, Mrs. Ray wrote that Jaya Bachchan once told her in passing that "Amitabh Bachchan would be willing to work with Manik if he ever decided to cast him in any of his Bengali films." In reply the 'Panther Panchali' helmer said, "I've thought of Amitabh often but they are such expensive actors. Our Bengal film industry doesn't have that kind of money."
Satyajit Ray, his mannerism, has always been something that defines Indian cinema. He was awarded with awards like Dada Saheb Phalke, Bharat Ratna, Oscar and many others due to his immense contribution to the World Cinema.