Megastar Amitabh Bachchan,while promoting his recently released court-room drama 'PINK,' disclosed that he has learnt a lot from his young co-stars Angad Bedi, Taapsee Paanu, Kirti Kulhari and Andrea Tarian .
"I learned a lot from them especially the way they be so natural, so realistic and relaxed in front of the camera. Whether it is Angad, Kirti, Andrea or Tapsee, they are phenomenal actors," told 73-year-old actor to ANI.
Adding, "When you see the film you will realize that they are not acting, they are just being themselves and it's so natural, it's very tough to do that. I guess I am still learning the knack from them."
Referring to the cast the 'Wazir' actor also said, "They are like my daughters and sons I just love be in their company, its great fun."
Directed by national award winning filmmaker Aniruddha Roy Chowdhury and produced by Shoojit Sircar, 'PINK' speaks about women empowerment and is already out at the Box Office.
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