Irrfan Khan-starrer upcoming social-thriller 'Madaari,' which was earlier scheduled to release on June 10 alongside Amitabh Bachchan's TE3N, will now hit the theartres on July 15.
Trade analyst Taran Adarsh took to his Twitter handle to inform about the change in the release date and tweeted, "#Madaari will now release on 15 July 2016, instead of the earlier announced date 10 June 2016. Nishikant Kamat directs the film."
In a statement, movie's director Nishikant Kamat said, he wants complete justice to be done to the subject of the movie and therefore he is convinced with the producer's decision of postponing the release date to next month.
The film, which is based on the Mumbai Metro bridge collapse that took place in suburban Marol in 2012, also stars Jimmy Shergill and Tushar Dalvi in the prominent roles.