Union Minister Giriraj Singh on Sunday was seen shouting at an officer, asking him not act like a political figure and work as an officer after locals alleged discrimination by the officer in carrying out relief works in flood-affected areas of the district.
Singh was on a visit to his constituency to take stock of relief works going on in the flood-affected areas.
In a video, Singh was seen lashing out at the Sub Divisional Officer (SDO), where he is heard saying: "It is your responsibility to work for the welfare of the people. Do not act like a political leader and work as an officer. In 2016 camps were set up here and if you don't do the same, I will protest. Don't act in a partisan manner. Everybody should be equal to you."
The Minister was seen threatening the officer by saying that he would take up this issue with Chief Minister Nitish Kumar.
Earlier in the day, Singh tweeted in Hindi, "I am visiting the flood-affected areas of Begusarai. After making a lot of efforts, I got to see the state government official. The officers are nowhere to be seen. I had to call them here. This attitude will not be acceptable.