The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) on Friday appeared to be in tune with Bollywood actor Irrfan Khan, who questioned the practice of sacrifice and fasting in Islam, and said the whole idea of 'qurbani and sacrifice' have been defeated in today's time.
Asserting that nobody has the right to tell others what to do, BJP's Shazia Ilmi said too much of commercialization in the matters of religion and faith is taking place in the present times.
"What he is saying provokes you to think harder, if you see as to why this is done. The idea is to give something dear to you. I don't think anybody has the right to check and give advice to others," said Ilmi.
"Even Irrfan should also not be telling anyone what to do. But he has raised a very valid question because the whole idea of qurbani and sacrifice is defeated. Nowadays, there is too much of commercialization in matters of religion and faith," she added.
Khan recently courted controversy by stating that Muslims should introspect rather than fast during the month of Ramzan.
At a promotional event in Jaipur for the film 'Madaari' scheduled to release on July 15, Irrfan questioned the Muharram ritual of animal slaughter too.
"The meaning of Qurbani is to sacrifice something which is close to you instead of any goat or sheep which you just buy to sacrifice. Before sacrificing we should share a bond with that thing otherwise just killing of an animal will not serve the purpose. Nowadays we have lost the relevance behind such religious activities and perform these rituals without knowing the meaning behind them," he said.