Upping the ante against the Bharatiya Janta Party (BJP), Aam Aadmi Party chief Arvind Kejriwal on Wednesday said the party had roped in former Indian Police Service (IPS) officer Kiran Bedi as the chief ministerial candidate for Delhi to put the blame of failure on her.
"When PM Modi came to address a rally in Delhi, seats were seen empty, so BJP has realized they are losing. So now they (BJP) have brought Kiran Bediji to put the blame of failure on her," Kejriwal said at a rally in Palam colony.
The former Delhi chief minister attacked the Central government for failing to reduce prices and being unable to deliver on the black money promise.
"They gave a slogan 'bahut hui mehangayi ki maar, ab ki baar Modi sarkar'. I want to ask you, have prices been reduced? They said they will bring back black money, I want to ask, how many of you have received 15 lakh they promised?" said Kejriwal.
Both Kejriwal and Bedi had filed their nomination papers earlier in the day for the forthcoming Delhi polls.
While Kejriwal is contesting polls from the New Delhi constituency, where he defeated three-time Delhi chief minister Sheila Dikshit in the 2013 assembly polls, Bedi is being fielded from the Krishna Nagar constituency, which is a BJP stronghold.
Polling in Delhi will take place on February 7 and the counting of votes will be taken up on February 10.