The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and the Congress on Saturday jointly condemned the shoe hurling incident on Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, saying it is an 'unacceptable' act and should not be allowed to happen.
BJP leader Nalin Kohli said such incidents are becoming a trend and it is worrisome.
"It doesn't matter who belongs to what or where. What is worrisome is that this is becoming a trend now. People are crossing limits in terms of harming people and throw a shoe or something like that. And within the structure, such rewards sometimes lead to encouragement," Kohli told ANI.
"I think a time is coming that we have to acknowledge, despite our political differences, that a certain dignity and decorum has to be there. We cannot allow this thing to happen, otherwise where the line drawn?" he added.
Congress leader P.C Chacko also condemned the act, but said that Kejriwal himself was responsible for the incident.
"This is a condemnable action that has taken place. It is unacceptable that Kejriwal has been attacked with a shoe. But the fact is that the internal problem of the AAP is coming out. This is not the first time. It is the second time that Kejriwal has been attacked. This is not done by any of the parties which are opposing Kejriwal," Chacko told ANI.
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"This is because of the authoritarian style of Kejriwal that his own party people are rising up in revolt. He has to look into the issue that why such a situation is arising. The situation is created by Kejriwal himself," he added.
Kejriwal, who earlier came to inform the public about the second phase of the odd-even vehicle rationing scheme from April 15 to 30, almost took a shoe hit.
The shoe thrower, identified as Ved Prakash, has been detained for questioning and is reportedly a member of the Aam Aadmi Sena.