Lashing out at Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal and Congress vice-president Rahul Gandhi for creating a "ruckus" over the suicide death of an ex-serviceman, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) said both have always waited for someone to die to reap political mileage out issues.
BJP state president and national secretary Rahul Sinha told ANI, "They have no issues to raise. They are not serious about development. They allays wait for someone to die. Be it Kejriwal, Rahul Gandhi, they all want to draw political mileage out of the issue. They don't care about development at all."
"Arvind Kejriwal has wrecked havoc in Delhi, but he does not care about that at all. All he cares about is creating a ruckus over a person's death and reaping benefits. I doubt whether these people are behind his suicide. It should be probed whether they are involved or not," he added.
Ram Kishan Grewal, 69, consumed poison on Tuesday. However, the cause behind his suicide is yet to be ascertained. The ex-servicemen was protesting over the One Rank One Pension issue.
The death of Grewal triggered an intense political battle between the BJP, Congress and the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP).
Congress vice president Rahul Gandhi, who has been detained and released thrice since the suicide of Grewal, charged the Centre and Prime Minister Narendra Modi with promoting a form of dictatorship.