Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader C.P. Thakur on Saturday said the country does not need reservation and it should be discontinued, but added that efforts should be made to place the economically weak sections of society on a progressive path.
Thakur said that some progressive steps must be taken for the development of backward people, rather than implementation of reservation.
"The reservation was initiated only for ten years but it has exceeded for so long. It has been 60 years since independence and yet a court case on reservation is going on. It is essential to bring the country on the path of development. Be it Muslims or Hindus, whoever is backward should be brought forward on the path of development. Both belong to one country, India," said Thakur.
On Friday, Law Minister, Kapil Sibal came clear on the issue and said that the Congress party had not issued a supplementary manifesto, promising reservation for minorities in government jobs and educational institutions.
The Congress promising a sub-quota for OBC Muslims has created a political debate on the issue of reservation.
Sibal clarified that it was nobody's appeasement but rather a suggestion that has come from public consultation. Public wants this and they have a right to consider this. As the matter is pending in the Supreme Court, Congress cannot take any action until the case is resolved by the court.
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Meanwhile, Congress party leader Satyavrat Chaturvedi said the Congress would always support reservation for the backward class people and work towards making them progressive.
"Congress is always ready for development of Dalit and backward class people. Till the time there is no upward movement among this section of the society, we will continue to support the process of reservation," said Chaturvedi.
Reportedly, the clarification from Sibal came after the BJP responded to a newspaper report, describing it as a "last desperate" act of the Congress to get votes from special sections of the society.