The Bharatiya Janata (BJP) has approached the Election Commission (EC) on Congress President Sonia Gandhi's meeting with Delhi's Jama Masjid Imam Syed Ahmed Bukhari, saying the step was a violation of the model code.
BJP Vice President Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi and convener of the election cell R Ramakrishna said, as per the model code of conduct, there shall be no appeal to caste or communal feelings for securing votes.
Earlier, Election Commission chief V.S Sampath has said that action would be taken Sonia Gandhi as soon as a complaint is filed against her.
"Generally in such matters we take cognizance on receipt of a complaint. We should be awaiting that and as soon as it is received, the issue will definitely be examined and further action would be taken," said Sampath.
Gandhi on Wednesday made a strong appeal to minorities ahead of general election, pitching to help nurture the cause of secularism and met Muslim delegation led by Bukhari.