BJP Lok Sabha MP Sanjay Jaiswal has moved a privilege motion against the Additional Superintendent of Police (ASP) of Bihar's Motihari for allegedly issuing an "arrest warrant" to prevent him from attending the Lower House of Parliament despite a three-line party whip.
"I am sure that this incident was a conspiracy by ASP Shaishav Yadav so that I am not able to attend the Lok Sabha for the very important Citizenship (Amendment) Bill despite a party whip in the matter," alleges Jaiswal in a letter in Hindi, written on Monday.
In the letter addressed to Speaker Om Birla, Jaiswal, who is also Bihar unit BJP president and party chief whip in the Lok Sabha, has sought action in the matter.
"On December 8, when I reached Patna to take my flight, I found out through news channels that ASP Shaishav Yadav has issued an arrest warrant against me. Since I did not receive any official communication in the matter beforehand and the airport security check was complete, I continued with my journey," the letter adds.
"It is a surprise that by evening I found out through news channels that police have cancelled the order of my arrest," the leader further says in the letter.