In his inaugural address to the Bharatiya Janata Party's (BJP's) national executive meeting here, party president Rajnath Singh said Saturday that everyone will go home "happy, energised and enthusiastic."
Expressing regret over the May 25 Maoist attack on a Congress convoy in Chhattisgarh, Singh also congratulated Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi for the BJP's victory in state by-polls, and described it as "encouraging development".
Talking about the Maoist problem, Singh blamed it on the "misguided policies of the central government".
"Unless there is an integrated approach, there will be no permanent solution to both the problems," he said.
"If even after ruling for 56 years, out of the 66 years since Independence, the resource rich areas of the country are under the influence of Naxalism, the policies of the Congress are directly responsible for it," the BJP president said.
"The biggest problem is that the Congress and the Left parties have made huge mistakes by protecting people who believe in an extremist ideology and violent activities," he said.