Newly sworn-in Jammu and Kashmir Deputy Chief Minister Nirmal Singh on Sunday said that the alliance between the Bharatiya Janata Party and the People's Democratic Party would work towards a stable government in the state.
"We have respected each other's sensitivities, stands and accordingly we have created the CMP (common minimum programme) and in the coming days, we will give Jammu and Kashmir a good government," Singh told the media here.
Earlier in the day, Mufti Mohammad Sayeed took oath as the Chief Minister of Jammu and Kashmir for the second time in his political career. Singh also took oath of office at the ceremony.
The two leaders were administered the oath of office by Governor NN Vohra at the General Zorawar Singh Auditorium in Jammu University.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi, BJP president Amit Shah and party veteran L K Advani were among those who attended the ceremony.