Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leader Ashutosh on Wednesday said the way the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) is shamelessly indulging in horse trading to lure MLAs to form a government in Delhi is a blot on democracy.
"The way the BJP is trying to buy the members of other parties is a crime," said Ashutosh .
"BJP is known for horse trading MLAs, be it in Karnataka or Kalyan Singh Government in UP or Keshubhai Patel in Gujarat," he added.
The AAP on Tuesday released a recorded audio message of Kejriwal accusing the BJP of indulging in horse-trading to form the government in Delhi.
"The BJP is resorting to dishonest and highly unethical methods to form the government by offering Rs.20 crore each to many MLAs," said the message in Hindi.
Delhi has been under President's rule since February when Kejriwal resigned from the post of chief minister after his 49-day-old government failed to table its Jan Lokpal Bill in the state assembly.
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The Assembly has been under suspended animation ever since and no party has staked claim to form the government.
BJP had won 31 seats in the Delhi Assembly polls of December last year but its number has come down to 28 in the 70-member house as three of its MLAs - Harsh Vardhan, Ramesh Bidhuri and Pervesh Verma - were elected to Lok Sabha in the recent general elections.