The Bharatiya Janata party (BJP) on Sunday came down heavily on the Opposition parties for questioning Prime Minister Narendra Modi's silence on cow vigilantes in the country and said the latter is not the party's spokesperson, who will respond on each and every issue.
BJP spokesperson Nalin Kohli said that instead of pointing fingers at the Prime Minister for violence against Dalits, the state governments should initiate action against the culprits as law and order is a state subject.
"Very strange perhaps they are confused because those who are making these allegations cannot see the difference that what is the role of the Prime Minister the country and a party spokesperson. A party spokesperson speaks everyday on every issue. But the Prime Minister of the country speaks from time to time and there is a meaning to what he says. If they can't see that difference, one sympathizes with them and also they must bear in mind," said Kohli.
"Law and order is a state subject. Whether it is Gujarat or any other BJP state, wherever anything has happened actions have immediately being taken. Take (for example) states like Bihar who are making these statements, what action have they taken? So talking is easy and its part of their political thinking and it's not part of their work. The BJP under Prime Minister Narendra Modi at the Centre and the states believe in action and not in just these hollow words," he added.
Breaking his silence on cow vigilantes in the country, Prime Minister Modi yesterday strongly condemned their actions, saying most of them were anti-social elements masquerading as gau rakshaks (cow protectors).
"It makes me angry that people are running shops in the name of cow protection. Some people indulge in anti-social activities at night and in the day masquerade as cow protectors," he said while speaking at his first townhall-style address to mark the second anniversary of his government's MyGov initiative.
The Prime Minister's comments come at a time when questions are being raised on his silence amid the spate of attacks, particularly in Gujarat and Uttar Pradesh, on Dalits, allegedly in the name of cow protection.