Pakistan's High Commissioner to India Abdul Basit on Friday said that Foreign Secretaries Aizaz Ahmad Chaudhry and S. Jaishankar are in touch with each other on the issue of working out modalities for their proposed composite dialogue talks.
"There is no issue. Both foreign secretaries agreed on meeting in the near future. Both foreign secretaries are in contact with each other," Basit told ANI in an exclusive interview.
"We hope that the date of the meeting is fixed as soon as possible," he added.
On Thursday, Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) spokesperson Vikas Swarup said that the talks would be held when both foreign secretaries agree on a mutually convenient date.
"It is not a question of whether we are considering dates in February, March or April. As soon as the foreign secretaries agree on a mutually convenient date, we will let you know. As of now, we do not have a mutually convenient date," he said.