Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader Nalin Kohli on Monday said that the one thing that Congress Vice President Rahul Gandhi and Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) Chief Arvind Kejriwal had in common was that both of them spoke without thinking.
"I have concluded that Arvind Kejriwal will talk whatever he wants to. Rahul Gandhi and Arvind Kejriwal have one thing in common, they talk whatever they want without thinking," said Nalin Kohli.
"He has offered respects for those who were alive and it is unfortunate that he is making such statements without giving a thought," he said.
He further said that AAP leaders were creating an atmosphere against Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi on purpose.
"In an interview, Yogendra Yadav himself had praised the development work in Gujarat. For political purposes, Arvind Kejriwal and his co-leaders are creating an atmosphere against Modi," said Kohli.
"Arvind Kejriwal is not an Aam Aadmi anymore. He takes chartered flights to address rallies so why does he have to pretend that the party does not follow V.I.P culture, this is absolute hypocrisy," he said.
"They abuse rich people in the morning, and again approach them for funding. Aam Aadmi party is only a common man's party for namesake and Kejriwal just wants to spread anarchism and nothing else," he added.