Find yourself someone who looks at you the way Ranbir looks at Alia Bhatt. Filmmaker Ayan Mukerji, who recently made his debut in the world of Instagram, has been sharing a lot of pictures from his 'Brahmastra' journey. The latest picture, featuring Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt, is from the initial days of shooting of the much-anticipated film.
In the picture, which features Ranbir in the background and Alia in the foreground, the duo seems to be brooding over something.
"Tel Aviv, Israel. Beginning of 2018, and the beginning of many things. We were in Tel Aviv to prepare for our first shooting schedule with a very special member of our team, and it marked the beginning of Ranbir and Alia working together for the movie and getting to know each other. Brahmastra has come with a lot of travel, to find creative collaborations everywhere in the world. Something I hope will add greatly to the film eventually #brahmastra," Ayan wrote in the caption.
The filmmaker has been using his Instagram account to share insights into the making of 'Brahmastra.' Earlier this month, Ayan in an Instagram post revealed that Ranbir was his first call after he came up with the idea of the science-fiction.
Apart from Ranbir and Alia, the film also stars Mouni Roy and Tollywood actor Nagarjuna.
'Brahmastra' has been extensively shot in Bulgaria, New York, and Mumbai, among other places.
'Brahmastra' is first part of a sci-fi trilogy which has been created by Ayan. It is slated to release around Christmas this year.