Border Security Force (BSF) South Bengal Frontier has confirmed seizing Rs 7 lakh Bangladeshi Taka and apprehended one Bangladeshi national near the Petrapole border outpost.
The forces on Thursday received specific information regarding smuggling of Bangladeshi Taka in the area after which special operation was planned and carried out by troops of BOP Petrapole of 64 BN BSF on suspected places near ICP Petrapole.
The security forces have recovered Rs 7 lakh BD Taka (500 notes in denomination of 1000 Taka and 400 notes in denomination of 500 Taka) tied in his ankle and waist, one old Samsung duos mobile phone with two SIM cards (one Airtel and one Grameen phone), one Identity card and one gate pass issued by BD Customs Benapole.
After preliminary questioning the apprehended person has revealed his identity as Usman Goni, aged 22 of Bangaladesh.
The apprehended person and seized items have been handed over to Customs Petrapole for legal action.
Keeping in view the vulnerability of Border from smuggling point of view Inspector General BSF South Bengal Frontier P S R Anjaneyulu has issued operational guidelines to further strengthen Border domination so as to effectively check the menace of smuggling and other activities of Anti National Elements on South Bengal Border with Bangladesh.
During this year, BSF South Bengal Frontier has seized BD Taka 13,24,266 (Indian Value Rs 11,23,243) and apprehended four smugglers.