A video shot by a bystander shows the chaotic scene during the Times Square shooting, in which two police officers fired on a man, assuming him to be a suspect, and in turn wounded two women.
The video shot by John Gilliland shows the chaotic scene as numerous NYPD officers circled the man, who appeared emotionally disturbed and tried dodging cars on a busy Manhattan street.
The police said that the man, later identified as Glenn Broadnax, 35, appeared to be in possession of a weapon, while he had none, and the officers eventually brought him down by a stun gun, CBS reports.
Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly said that it appeared the man wanted to be struck by cars.
The bullets fired by the police, when the man tried to reach his pocket as if grabbing something, one of the shots hit a 54-year-old woman in the right knee and another grazed a 35-year-old woman in the buttocks.
According to the report, police guidelines tell officers to avoid unnecessarily endangering innocent people. But police are allowed to use deadly force when faced with an imminent threat of serious injury or death.