Game developers King have successfully trademarked the word 'candy' to protect the success of their highly addictive and popular game 'Candy Crush Saga'.
The company currently owns the intellectual property for the word without any restrictions with regards to style, font, size or colour, but can only enforce their trademark if used in relation to video games and clothing, the Independent reported.
A spokesperson from the company said that their trademark was "constantly infringed" and that they would not enforce the ruling against all uses of the word.
The rep said that some uses of the word were legitimate and they would not ask app developers who were using the term legitimately to stop doing so.
According to GameZebo, King has already sent out the first legal notices via Apple to Benny Hsu, who developed an iOS game named 'All Candy Casino Slots - Jewel Craze Connect: Big Blast Mania Land', to remove his app or prove that his game does not infringe upon King's trademark.
Apple had earlier revealed that 'Candy Crush Saga' has been the most downloaded free app of 2013, with more than half a billion installs on iOS devices.