The Delhi High Court on Monday stayed the trial court's order allowing de-freezing of accounts of M/s Endeavour Systems Pvt. Ltd. in connection with the corruption case filed by the CBI against Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal's Principal Secretary Rajendra Kumar.
Kumar is being alleged of abusing his official position to award contracts to M/s Endeavour Systems Pvt. Ltd. The trial court had on April 5 ordered de-freezing of two bank accounts of the company.
Kejriwal's Principal Secretary had earlier this month moved a special court seeking the release of his laptop, iPad and cash seized by the CBI during the investigation.
The CBI had in December last year raided the office of Rajendra Kumar in the Delhi Secretariat in connection with this case.
The CBI had registered a case against Kejriwal's aide and others on allegations that he had abused his official position and secured the Delhi Government's tenders of Rs. 9.5 crore between 2007 and 2014 to a company. He was booked under Section 120-B of the IPC and under the provisions of the Preventio of Corruption Act.