The Delhi High Court on Tuesday dismissed a bail plea filed by alleged middleman Manoj Prasad who was arrested in the bribery case against Rakesh Asthana, the special director of Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI).
The High Court said that the allegations against Prasad were serious in nature. The court also noted the CBI submission that the investigation is at a crucial stage.
On Monday, the middleman had approached the High Court seeking bail in the case, following the dismissal of his similar application by a trial court here on November 3, when the court reserved its order on a bail plea filed by Prasad.
Prasad was arrested on October 17 by the CBI for allegedly seeking Rs 5 crore from a Hyderabad businessman Sathish Sana for getting relief from the CBI's summons. His custody was later extended by five days on October 25 by a Delhi court.
On October 29, Kumar had moved a bail application before the special court following his arrest by the CBI last week. In his application, Kumar mentioned that the agency did not have valid search warrants when his office and residence were raided by the agency's anti-corruption unit. During the raid, Kumar's personal computers were also seized by the officials.
However, on October 30, a Delhi Court had remanded Prasad to judicial custody for 14 days.