Vishva Hindu Parishad (VHP) working president Alok Kumar slammed senior Congress leader Digvijaya Singh over his 'Bajrang Dal and BJP leaders caught spying for ISI' remark and said the CBI should quiz him in the matter.
"If he has some information, the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) should question him in the matter and when it is found that he has made some false statements, he should be punished," he told ANI on Sunday.
Kumar said that nobody in the country takes Singh seriously anymore.
"Such baseless, scandalous allegations spoil the atmosphere. He had earlier levelled allegation of saffron terror. He is doing the same thing again. I condemn such statements," the VHP leader said.
Kumar also talked about the Veda campaign and termed it as a historic program.
Singh has on Saturday said that some office bearers of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and Bajrang Dal were caught spying for Pakistan intelligence agency Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI).
"Some people, who were office bearers in Bajrang Dal and BJP, were caught spying for the ISI. They have received bail but a case of treason should be pursued against them," Singh had said.