The Delhi High court on Friday directed the CBI to submit when it wants to send the Letters Rogatory (LR) to different countries, along with a detailed report indicating offences committed by the agency's former Special Director Rakesh Asthana and Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP) Devendra Kumar, in a sealed cover.
During the course of the hearing, the CBI sought more time from the court to complete the probe in the case involving Asthana and Kumar, as it wanted to send LRs to different countries.
The Court also asked the probe agency to submit in writing as to how the Investigating Officer (IO) carried out the probe in the last three months.
The matter will next be heard on April 23.
The court had earlier directed the agency to conclude its investigation against Asthana and Kumar, among others, in 10 weeks, but CBI sought an extension of six more months to conclude the probe.
On April 3, the central probe agency had submitted a status report of the investigation carried out by it. Additional Solicitor General (ASG) Vikram Banerjee is representing the CBI.
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On January 11, the court had dismissed pleas filed by Asthana and Kumar seeking quashing of an FIR against them in the bribery case.
Asthana, the then number two in CBI, had also sought liberty to appeal against the high court order before the Supreme Court, which was granted.
The FIR was registered against Asthana and others after a preliminary inquiry by CBI.
The investigating agency filed an FIR against Asthana for allegedly accepting a bribe from a businessman who was connected to a case against controversial meat exporter Moin Akhtar Qureshi.
Asthana was heading the Special Investigation Team (SIT) that was probing the Qureshi case.
The case against Asthana, Kumar, and others was registered based on a complaint received from Hyderabad-based businessman Sathish Babu Sana on October 15 last year.
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