R Chandrasekharan, Kerala unit president of Indian National Trade Union Congress (INTUC), on Tuesday said that the Central government has not invited INTUC for the centenary celebration of International Labour Organisation (ILO) to be held on Wednesday.
"ILO's centenary celebration is being organized by the central government and the Centre is not inviting INTUC for any discussion. They are excluding us from everywhere. They have not invited INTUC for the centenary celebration of ILO," Chandrasekharan said in a press release here.
He added, "Despite being a member of the Governing Council of the ILO, the Central government didn't make any effort to invite me. It was only after ILO's Deputy Director-General's request, they invited me."
However, Chandrasekharan said that he will not attend the celebration until the central government invites INTUC.