Union Finance Minister Arun Jaitley on Tuesday said that the Centre has released Rs. 5,000 crore for Jammu and Kashmir flood relief and added that the government wants to help the state to fulfil its plans for development.
"The Centre wants to help the Jammu and Kashmir Government to fulfil its plans for development. Jammu and Kashmir was seriously affected by the recent floods. A grant has been allocated to rebuild 75,000 'kacche' houses that were partially or fully damaged during the Jammu and Kashmir floods. Rs. 5000 crore has been released last year and this year for Jammu and Kashmir flood relief in total," said Jaitley.
"The funds and grants are aimed to help fix all the flood related devastation. A team of bureaucrats, including members of Niti Ayog and Expenditure Secretary, will prepare a long term developmental visionfor Jammu and Kashmir," he said while addressing a joint press
conference with Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh.
He further said that a special grant will be given to revive tourism in Jammu and Kashmir to rebuild 12 tourist locations.
Meanwhile, the Home Minister assured that the BJP-PDP alliance in the state is dedicated towards the development of Jammu and Kashmir.
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"The BJP-PDP alliance is dedicated towards the development of Jammu and Kashmir. Today the Prime Minister has decided that some more fundswill be allocated to the state and an additional ex-gratia amount will be given," he said.
He further said that the security situation has also improved in the state as terror incidents have fallen by 25 percent.
In September last year, Jammu and Kashmir was hit by massive floods resulting in widespread destruction of life and property.