Delhi Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia on Saturday alleged that the Central government is playing politics by not giving monetary aid to the national capital, while it has approved Rs 11,000 crore to other States for disaster control measures amid the coronavirus pandemic.
Speaking to ANI, Sisodia said: "The Delhi government is working in cooperation with the Centre to combat the coronavirus. Rs 11,000 crore were given to the States for disaster control measure, but Delhi was not given a single rupee. This is very sad and shocking for us."
"We expect from the Central government to not play politics keeping in view the federal structure and also in this time of national disaster. This shows that even in the time of coronavirus the Central government is doing politics. This is not right. It is very sad," he said.
Sisodia said that he has written to Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman in this regard and has asked her to intervene.
The Deputy Chief Minister said: "In this time of the coronavirus when the whole country is fighting and the State governments are also fighting, then this partiality against the people of Delhi is not right.