Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel-led government has decided to give rice in the month of April and May free of cost to the poor families of the state in the view of coronavirus outbreak.
"With reference to this, orders have also been issued to all the district collectors by the Food Department of the state government. Under the management of prevention of infection of Corona virus (Covid-19), a sigh of major relief has been provided to the poor families by the state government," read an official release.
"Under the public distribution system in the state, instructions have already been given by the state government to make lump-sum distribution of rice in the month of April and May 2020 to ration cardholders of Antyodaya, Priority, Disabled, Single destitute and Annapurna category. In the sequence of this decision, distribution of rice to Antyodaya, priority, disabled, single destitute and Annapurna category ration cardholders will now be done free of cost," it said.
In his address to the nation on Tuesday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced a 21-day lockdown in the entire country effective from midnight to deal with the spread of coronavirus, saying that "social distancing" is the only option to deal with the disease, which spreads rapidly.
According to the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), India has reported about 536 confirmed positive cases of COVID-19. Eleven people have died so far due to the deadly virus.