World Health Day was celebrated in a naxal affected village in Kondagaon district on Sunday, which was organised by USAID MCSP and led by Jhpiego along with the help of state health department.
Marathon race, yoga, cycle rally and blood donation camp were also organised on the occasion.
"On the occasion of World Health Day, we have organised this program. It is a matter of pride that Jhpiego is associated with it. This function will continue throughout the day," District collector Neelkanth Tekam, told ANI.
"Since elections are approaching we are trying to create awareness among the people about the same," he added.
He also informed that there are two Lok Sabha seats that fall under the district, on one seat the polling will take place on April 11 and on the other seat voting will happen on April 18.
The World Health Day is a global health awareness day celebrated every year on April 7, under the sponsorship of the World Health Organization, as well as other related organizations.
Polling for 11 Lok Sabha seats in Chhattisgarh will be held in three phases on- April 11, 18 and 23. The results will be announced on May 23.