Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader Subramanian Swamy on Tuesday said that the Home Ministry is holding a comprehensive enquiry of the files and former Home Minister P Chidambaram must be prosecuted for falsification on affidavit on Ishrat Jahan case.
"It is correct that the Home Ministry of Home Affairs is now holding a comprehensive enquiry of the files and Chidambaram must be prosecuted for falsification on affidavit as it is a very serious offence under the IPC," Swamy told ANI here.
Read more from our special coverage on "ISHRAT JAHAN"
"We must also find out whether Mr. Chidambaram through the narcotics bureau has any connection with the Lashkar-e-Taiba," said the BJP leader.
Citing the then home secretary G K Pillai, Swamy said "civil servant acts on the orders of the Ministers. He had put up a file, an affidavit which was then filed in the Supreme Court that was to be withdrawn by an alternative affidavit. And the appellation that Ishrat was an LeT operative, Mr. Chidambaram with his own hand struck it out. And what you expect Mr. Pillai to say?"
Swamy had earlier urged the Prime Minister Narendra Modi government to direct the Attorney General to move the Supreme Court, seeking punishment for Chidambaram for allegedly giving false information in affidavits submitted in court in relation to the Ishrat Jahan case.