The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) on Wednesday expressed regret for an alleged typing error in the 'vision document' for the upcoming Delhi Assembly elections, which resulted in the referring of the people hailing from the North-East as 'immigrants'.
"The BJP firmly believes that our sisters and brothers of the North-East are proud citizens of India. And wherever they are, the BJP always walks the extra mile to ensure their protection and security, be it in Karnataka, in Delhi or in any part of India. So, the inadvertent mistake caused due to typing is seriously regretted," Union Minister for Communications and Information Technology Ravi Shankar Prasad told the media.
BJP spokesperson M J Akbar also expressed his regret and said that people from the North-East are valuable to his party.
"We regret deeply and I want to reassure all our brothers and sisters of the North-East that everyone from there in Delhi is as valuable, as important to the BJP as any other citizen of Delhi," he said.
The BJP goes head-to-head with the Aam Aadmi Party and the Congress in the Delhi assembly polls, scheduled to be held on February 7 with counting of votes to be held on February 10.