The Madhya Pradesh Board of Secondary Examination on Saturday suspended two people who set and moderated the question paper for social science of the State Board class 10 examination that referred to Pakistan Occupied Kashmir (PoK) as Azad Kashmir.
The Board also said that the said questions will not be considered while evaluating the answer sheets.
"The Board has suspended two persons who set and moderated the Class 10 question paper in which Pakistan Occupied Kashmir has been called Azad Kashmir," Saleena Singh, Chairperson Madhya Pradesh Board of Secondary Education told ANI.
The two questions have been canceled. They will not be evaluated," she said while adding that they are taking the matter seriously.
Question number four in the paper gave students two lists and asked them to match the pairs with option 'C' reading - India-Pakistan war while the fifth option on the opposite side read - Azad Kashmir.
Similarly, question no 26 required candidates to mark out "Azad Kashmir" on the map of India.