The Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) on Thursday filed a chargesheet in connection with the Rs. 100 crore CNG fitness scam. The chargesheet is a file against nine persons, including two retired IAS officers.
The scam took place in connection with the transport department outsourcing fitness tests of commercial vehicles. The Delhi government allegedly lost crores for awarding the contract of operation and maintenance work of inspection and certification lanes at the Burari authority to a company called ESP India Private Limited.
However, the company allegedly did not conduct certain tests which were required, but charged money for them.
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Moreover, eight additional test lanes worth around Rs 7 crore were allotted to the same company. The contract was also allegedly awarded without any tendering.
The case came in light after RTI activist reported the matter to ACB in June 2012.
A formal FIR was registered in the case on December 17, 2012, after ACB found irregularities in its inquiry report conducted as per the court orders.