Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi on Thursday accused the interim Congress President Sonia Gandhi and her party of constantly defaming BJP and Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS).
Naqvi was referring to Sonia Gandhi's comment that some people want to make RSS a symbol of India in place of Mahatma Gandhi and the soul of the Father of Nation must be pained over the condition of the country in the past four-five years.
"They are defaming BJP and RSS. Because of this, they are facing electoral defeats continuously. She should understand that these are expired formulas. The Congress party should take the path of positive politics," Naqvi told ANI.
Commenting on Congress leader Digvijay Singh's comment that radicalisation of Hindus is as dangerous as the radicalisation of Muslims, Naqvi said that Al Qaeda's soul has entered some people which is making them say such things.
"Al-Qaeda's soul has entered some persons. Terrorism has never been seen through the prism of religion in India. When they were ruling the country, they had raised the issue of saffron terror, blue terror, green terror etc. Now that they are in the opposition, they are still speaking the same language. This is the language that has brought them to this status," he said.