The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) on Friday said that comments on black money made by former Union finance minister P Chidambaram point towards an impending coup in the Congress.
Earlier in the day, Chidambaram, in an interview with a media organisation, had said that disclosure of names of account holders having black money stashed abroad would not affect the Congress party as a whole, it would only embarrass the individuals who are named.
"Chidambaram's comments only point to the fact that a palace coup is taking place inside the Congress. The Congress has realised that the first family of the Gandhis are more of a liability than an asset. That is the reason why they are trying their best to show the Gandhis the door," BJP spokesperson Sambit Patra said.
"But will the first family allow this to happen is a big question or will Chidambaram be shown the door, only time will tell," he added.
Patra further alleged that the Congress was run in a hierarchical rather than diplomatic manner, with the Gandhi family making all the decisions and brooking no disagreement.
"Anyone who has taken on the might of the Gandhi family, and anyone who questions them, is shown the door," he said.