Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Dr. Raman Singh on Sunday said that previous state government led by Congress used to purchase Members of Legislative Assembly (MLAs), but the incumbent BJP Government are purchasing paddy from farmers.
Addressing a Bonus Tihar Program, the Chief Minister launched a scathing attack on main opposition Congress.
"The Congress ruled Chhattisgarh for three years but never cared about the farmers. They were purchasing MLAs and we are purchasing paddy," Singh said.
He was referring to Ajit Jogi, the first chief minister of Chhattisgarh. Jogi once spilt the BJP in Chhattisgarh in December 2001, when he walked away with 12 BJP MLAs. After being expelled from the Congress, Jogi launched a new part called 'Chhattisgarh Janata Congress' on June 22, 2016.
Singh said that the farmers got loan at the rate of 15 percent during the Congress rule but the current BJP Government was providing loan to farmers at zero percent interest rate.
"During Congress rule, the farmers got loan at 15 percent interest rate and that was the reason the farmers had taken loan of Rs. 300 crore. Our government is providing loan to farmers at zero percent interest rate," said the chief minister who is ruling Chhattisgarh since December 2003.
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He added that only six lakh Metric Tonne (MT) paddy was being purchased yearly during the Congress Government whereas the current state government purchases 70 lakh MT paddy per year.
The Chief Minister said the Congress Party is trying to create confusion over the bonus to the farmers but "farmers shouldn't worry as the government is there to worry about them".
Chhattisgarh has decided to provide a paddy bonus under Bonus Tihar before Diwali to paddy farmers in the state. The bonus distribution program has started from October 3, 2017 and will continue till October 13.
The paddy bonus will be given in the 18 rice producing districts across the state.