The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) on Tuesday said Congress vice-president Rahul Gandhi can do as many roadshows as he wants, but he will not be able to gain anything in the 2017 Uttar Pradesh assembly.
"No matter how many roadshows the Congress does, they are on the roads and will remain there. They will never be able to reach the Vidhan Sabha, the Congress is nowhere in the Uttar Pradesh elections. Once in a while, Rahul Gandhi visits Uttar Pradesh and starts some new programs over there. The Congress situation is so bad, that they will not be able secure seats in double digits in the Uttar Pradesh elections," BJP leader Shahnawaz Hussain told ANI.
Gandhi will launch his roadshow in Uttar Pradesh from September 6.
It will start from Deoria district in eastern Uttar Pradesh and will cover 2,500 kilometers before ending in Delhi.
Gandhi will cover 39 districts, 55 Lok Sabha constituencies and 233 assembly constituencies during the roadshow.
His 'mahayatra' is being organised keeping in mind the 2017 Uttar Pradesh elections.