Gearing up for the 2014 Lok Sabha polls, the Congress Party on Thursday launched a national social media seminar to convey its ideology to the youth across the country and to ensure better communication with various state units.
Congress leader Deepender Singh Hooda said that the party had taken up the initiative to get in touch with the youth of the country.
"Today, social media is an important medium to convey, to communicate, especially with the younger generation. The Congress Party realises this and that's why we have decide to conduct this workshop today," Hooda said.
"It is imperative for any political party to communicate with the youngsters to convey its ideology and from that point of view, from that perspective we have conducted this national workshop today," he added.
Another Congress leader Priya Dutt Roncon echoing similar sentiments said the communication centres would be opened in every state under the initiative.
"We have participants coming from all our PCCs, all the states for this workshop. Under this initiative taken by the communication department, we will open communication centres in every state in which there would be three departments- social media, research and spokespersons," said Roncon.
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"We want to bring all of that under one umbrella and there will be an inflow and outflow of information from Delhi to all the states," she added.
The workshop will have 300 participants attending, including five representatives from each state. The Congress leaders are expecting the social media initiative to increase public support.
The Congress Party aims to reach out to the educated classes and the youth to seek support ahead of the 2014 general elections.
Congress leaders feel that social media networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, Google, Yahoo, Orkut and others would play a crucial role in the upcoming elections.