BJP leader Uma Bharti on Friday hit out at Congress Seva Dal for publishing a booklet claiming that Hindutva ideologue Veer Savarkar had a 'physical relationship' with Mahatma Gandhi's assassin Nathuram Godse, saying the "Congress needs a psychiatrist".
"Congress needs a psychiatrist. Whatever they have written is condemnable. They have lost their minds. All the things in the book are baseless," she told ANI.
"Now I want to see what Uddhav Thackeray will do? Will he still be with the Congress? I want to know," the BJP leader added.
The booklet titled 'Veer Savarkar Kitne Veer?' was distributed during the 10-day camp of Congress Seva Dal. Its chief Lalji Desai said that the writer has written the booklet on the basis of evidence.
The booklet gave a reference citing page 423 the 'Freedom at Midnight' book written by Larry Collins and Dominique Lapierre, which states that Godse had a homosexual relationship with his "political guru" Savarkar before the former turned celibate.
The booklet also claimed that Savarkar encouraged his followers to rape women from minorities and pelted stones at mosques when he was 12 years old.