Expressing confidence over sweeping the the Uttarakhand Assembly polls, Finance Minister Arun Jaitley on Sunday said that the last few years of Harish Rawat-led Congress government has been disappointing. Addressing the media in Haldwani, Jaitley appealed the voters of the state to vote for the BJP and bring a majoritarian government to power.
He added that Prime Minister Narendra Modi-led Government at the centre has set examples of good governance. Drawing parallels with the Congress government, Jaitley said, "The Congress-led government has never been able to take 'tough' decisions for the betterment of the country."
Asserting that 'policies were paralised' during the Congress regime at the Centre, Jaitley added, "UPA government is known for staying away from solid decision making".
Boasting Prime Minister Modi's surgical strike move, the Finance Minister added, "Fearing that they would be cornered by the world community, the UPA government never took any stand against terrorism".
He added that unlike the Congress, the incumbent government at the centre has declared a battle against black money and terrorism.
"Leaving no scope for any corrupt practices, the BJP-led government made sure that no one takes undue benefits of the government schemes and policies" he said.
The state will go to polls on February 15 and the votes will be counted on March 11.