Commerce Minister Anand Sharma on Wednesday said the Congress will field a strong candidate against Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi from Varanasi, and added that the party will fight to win the seat with all its might.
"We are considering some names for the Varanasi seat. Whoever is nominated from there will be a strong candidate. The party will be fighting for the seat with all its might and power," Sharma told media here.
On rumours regarding L.K. Advani considering fighting the elections from Bhopal in Madhya Pradesh, Sharma said: "Earlier, L.K. Advani was considered the Iron Man of the BJP, but now, their present leader had once said enumerated five T's. The first T was Tradition. So in Indian tradition, we give respect to the elders. Nobody knows from where their most respected leader will be fighting the elections. Same can be said about Murli Manohar Joshi, who was removed from Varanasi and shifted to Kanpur. Now, only the BJP can explain this new tradition."
He also asserted that the Congress is ready debate with Modi on any platform and on any issue.